Danielson American Job Center
562 Wescott Rd, Danielson, CT 06239
Montville American Job Center
601 Norwich New London Tpke, Suite #1 Montville, CT 06382
Willimantic American Job Center
1320 Main Street, Suite 25
Tyler Square, Willimantic, CT 06226
Employment and Training
Through your local American Job Centers of Eastern Connecticut, job seekers have access to a wide variety of job search-related services. These free job search resources are provided onsite at our office locations and virtually. These resources include job search workshops, grant eligibility applications for job skills training, employment and career guidance and much more. Jumpstart your job, training, and career search with us today!
Numerous resources are available to assist you with your job search. Connecticut's Workforce Development system, in partnership with the Department of Labor and area Workforce Development Boards, provides a comprehensive online job matching service found at CTHires.com. At our three regional American Job Center locations we have internet-connected computers for use on job search activities, employer recruitments/job fairs, job boards, staff available to direct your inquiries, workshops and more.
Attend a Workshop
Find a workshop to attend, and sign up online, by visiting CT Hires or by calling a Job Center near you.
For full workshop descriptions, flyers and employer recruitment schedules, visit the Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board (EWIB) website.
We Are Here to Help
Call or email one of our local offices today for an overview of our services and for personalized recommendations that will help you take the next steps in your job search.
Guidance from a Workforce Advisor
Learn about how our Workforce Advising services can help you find employment, gain new in-demand workplace skills and find training opportunities. Get started by either reviewing a self-directed Careers, Training, and You video or calling our offices to sign up for a Careers, Training, and You virtual workshop.
Manufacturing Skills Training
Eastern Connecticut’s manufacturing industry is in demand! Gain important employer-driven skills through the Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative. With this opportunity, we offer short-term classroom training and job search assistance for job seekers who are unemployed or underemployed. The trainings are designed to fit the specific hiring needs of our region’s local manufacturers. Sign up today by visiting the Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board’s Manufacturing Pipeline page for more information and to register for the pipeline.
Healthcare Skills Training
The healthcare industry is growing across the country! To support this in-demand industry, our Healthcare Pipeline will help you gain important employer-requested skills. With this opportunity, we offer short-term classroom training and job search assistance for job seekers who are unemployed or underemployed. The trainings are designed to fit the specific hiring needs of our region’s local healthcare providers. Sign up today by visiting the Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board’s Healthcare Pipeline page for more information and to register for the pipeline.
Youth Employment & the JET (Jobs, Education & Training) Program
EASTCONN offers many options for youth employment and training programs. If you're between the ages of 14 and 24, check out our In-School and Out-of-School programs today.