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A Blending of Academia and the Arts

Through the integration of artistic and academic learning, students prepare for success in the 21st century, as they develop their skills as critical thinkers, collaborators, creators and effective communicators.


ACT’s academic courses, which are based on the Connecticut State Department of Education’s Curriculum Frameworks and Connecticut Core Standards in English and math, thoroughly integrate concepts from the performing arts. Small class sizes and differentiated instruction allow students’ individual learning needs to be addressed, while hands-on learning experiences and performance-based assessments measure student growth in arts and academic subjects.


ACT’s academic subject areas include core requirements and electives in math, science, social studies, English, world language, and physical education. Students get to choose other electives such as Historical Documentary, Revolutionary Sounds: The History of Popular Music, Culture of Film, and Newspaper. In their senior year, students complete a Senior Capstone Project. The purpose of this project is to engage each student in a personalized learning experience that represents the culmination of their learning in the arts-based pathway of their choosing.


ACT students choose a pathway based upon their individual interests and talents. These pathways give students a chance to focus on an area of interest with purpose and intent. Students can choose from Acting, Creative Writing, Dance, Integrated Arts & Management, Media Arts, Music and Technical Theater (sets, lights, costumes). Each pathway has its own required courses in addition to ACT’s required courses for graduation.

College Course Opportunities

In addition to college prep and honors courses offered at ACT, an agreement with Eastern Connecticut State University (ECSU) enables students to earn college credits at no cost by attending university classes. Additional opportunities to pursue college-level work are available thanks to a partnership with CT State Community College Quinebaug Valley, formerly Quinebaug Valley Community College (QVCC).

ACT Graduates

ACT graduates are currently attending, or have attended, the following colleges and universities:

Asnuntuck Community College
Bath Spa University (England)
Central Connecticut State University
Champlain College
College of Mount Saint Vincent
Columbia College Chicago
Dean College
Delaware State University
Drexel University
Duquesne University
East Carolina University
Eastern Connecticut State University
Emerson College
Fashion Institute of Technology
Florida Southern College
Franklin Pierce University
Full Sail Universaity

Hampshire College
Johnson & Wales University
Lake Forest College
Lasell University
Lee University
Manchester Community College
Middlesex Community College
Mitchell College
Newbury College
New England Institute of Art
New England Institute of Technology
New York University
Nichols College
Palo Alto College
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Plymouth State University


CT State Community College:
Quinebaug Valley, formerly
Quinebaug Valley Community College
Rhode Island College
Roger Williams University
Suffolk University
Temple University
Three Rivers Community College
U.S. Marine Corps.
University for the Creative Arts (Farnham)
University of Connecticut
University of Hartford
University of Maine – Farmington
University of the Arts - Philadelphia
University of Rhode Island
University of Southern Maine
University of West Virginia
Western Connecticut State University

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EASTCONN is a public, non-profit, Regional Educational Service Center, which has been serving the education needs of northeastern Connecticut schools and communities since 1980.

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